Online13 July 2022
On the second Wednesday of each month, CineVic presents: STORY BREAK monthly meetup for screenwriters.
Local writers get together for motivation, collaboration, or sharing of works-in-progress. A great opportunity whether you are new to screenwriting, a seasoned professional, or just want to support others in the creative process. Free and open to the public.
Online10 August 2022
On the second Wednesday of each month, CineVic presents: STORY BREAK monthly meetup for screenwriters.
Local writers get together for motivation, collaboration, or sharing of works-in-progress. A great opportunity whether you are new to screenwriting, a seasoned professional, or just want to support others in the creative process. Free and open to the public.
Online21 September 2022
* PLEASE NOTE: The September STORY BREAK is moved one week later than usual, to Wednesday September 21 *
CineVic presents: STORY BREAK monthly meetup for screenwriters.
Local writers get together for motivation, collaboration, or sharing of works-in-progress. A great opportunity whether you are new to screenwriting, a seasoned professional, or just want to support others in the creative process. Free and open to the public.
CineVic AGM 2022
Online28 September 2022
Attention CineVic Members! Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for Wednesday 28 September 2022 at 6:00pm on Zoom. Join us to review some highlights of the past year, and elect your Board of Directors for the coming year.
Online12 October 2022
On the second Wednesday of each month, CineVic presents: STORY BREAK monthly meetup for screenwriters.
Local writers get together for motivation, collaboration, or sharing of works-in-progress. A great opportunity whether you are new to screenwriting, a seasoned professional, or just want to support others in the creative process. Free and open to the public.
One Take Super 8 Screenings (2022)
Metro Studio Theatre 1411 Quadra Street, Victoria, BC, Canada14-15 October 2022
The One Take Super 8 Event is back again for its third edition on Vancouver Island! Join us for the world premiere of 22 new analogue movies presented LIVE on celluloid Super 8 film at Metro Studio Theatre, or watch from home on YouTube.
DYNAMO Application Deadline
31 October 2022
Introducing CineVic's new film grant and equipment access program: DYNAMO! Apply now for up to $2,500 cash funding and up to $5,000 in-kind equipment rental toward your indie film project.
Short Circuit + CINE
SPARK – Earlybird Deadline
1 November 2022
Short Circuit Pacific Rim Film Festival + CINESPARK return in May 2023 for our 11th annual edition! Filmmakers from all regions bordering the Pacific Ocean are invited to submit your short film for consideration, and screenwriters from Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands are invited to submit your short screenplays. Please visit for all the information.
Online9 November 2022
*Due to circumstances beyond our control, this month's session is CANCELLED*
RED V-Raptor Workshop
CineVic #102-764 Yates Street, Victoria, BC, Canada15 November 2022
*This workshop is now FULL. Click the link below to send us an email and join the waiting list in case a spot opens up.*
Want to get acquainted with our new RED V-Raptor cinema camera?
Production Members can register now for our FREE in-person workshop:
Tuesday 15 November 2022