
CineCredits are a form of compensation acknowledging time or effort spent by a current CineVic member in good standing volunteering for the society above and beyond the initial membership requirements, or volunteering on other member productions where the Producer(s) are current CineVic member(s) in good standing and retain full creative/artistic control and copyright in the production. CineCredits can not be redeemed for cash, but may be used for payment of equipment rental.

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CineVic Members: Contact us to submit volunteer hours for your crew within two weeks of completing production.

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CineCredits Policy

• One hour of volunteer time shall earn one CineCredit, which will be accepted as the equivalent of $15 (fifteen dollars).

• Members may not receive CineCredits for volunteer hours for which they also receive monetary payment.

• Producers may not earn CineCredits for volunteering on their own productions.

• CineCredits may be used for payment of equipment rental.

• Initial membership volunteer hours do not qualify for CineCredits.

• CineCredits are non-transferable.

• CineCredits may not be earned or redeemed retroactively; the individual must be a member in good standing on both the dates that volunteer hours are worked and the dates on the rental invoice.

• A maximum of 50 CineCredits may be earned per member per production.

• A maximum of 500 CineCredits may be held in a member’s account at any one time.

• The first $15 fifteen dollars per $1,000 of any equipment or room rental (before taxes) can not be paid by CineCredits.

• For recurring room rentals, the $15 minimum cash charge will apply once per invoice. A maximum of four room bookings are allowed on one invoice.

• If a membership lapses for more than 12 months, the member’s CineCredits will expire. CineVic members may apply to the board for an exemption to this rule for reasons of hardship or other reasonable barriers to member usage. Decision of the board on whether or not to grant exemptions is final.

CineCredits Procedure

• CineCredits earned on member productions will be tracked by the production’s Lead Producer and submitted to CineVic staff within two weeks of the production’s completion.

• Use of CineCredits for rentals will also be recorded into the member database by CineVic staff.

• If a Producer is delinquent in submitting volunteer CineCredit hours on behalf of their crew members on a production, the Producer’s membership privileges may be suspended until a list of volunteer CineCredit hours are submitted.

• If a member’s volunteer hours are not reported by a delinquent Producer, the member may submit proof of their volunteer work on the production (such as call sheets and/or email communications) to CineVic staff, who will either approve or reject the hours, or bring to the Board of Directors.