Cinema Package (for RED cameras )

Cinema Package includes:

Xeen Prime Lens kit or DZO Arles Prime Lens kit, or Sigma Zoom Lens kit 
Sachtler Tripod
Tilta MB-T12
4x Goldmount batteries
Shape Camera Rig
Follow Focus


Daily Rate: $100  (a $195 value!)

Quantity: 2

Production Members only
This package is only available with accompanying rental of the Red V-Raptor,  Red Gemini , Red Komodo-X,  Red Scarlet.


* Subject to availability. Limited quantity. No substitutions. All equipment bookings are first-come first-served. Book well in advance to secure your dates. The Cinema Package is treated as a separate equipment item, and no adjustment in price will be made if any of the individual items are unavailable for your rental dates.